Monday, February 28, 2011

I just realized I haven't taken a tramadol (Pain pill) since October.

This is so major - one year ago I was basically bedridden and could not even walk down the stairs or get up from my chair without help. I was using crutches, and Jason was having to bring up a days worth of food for Jonas before he went to work so I could feed him while he was gone.

I still am not 100% but the prednisone definitely a step in the right direction.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I ran out of medication for a few days and JESUS CHRIST MY MOUTH HURTS. First time since November. I did not refill the chlocrys, because they reformulated it and and instead of $5 it's 100. NO THANKS. I decided to not fill it and see if just the prednisone helps, and after just one day, its already getting better so I guess the Cholcrys wasn't working.
